What is WWOOF ?

WWOOF™ Spain is a not for profit Association linking volunteers (WWOOFers) with organic farmers & growers in Spain who are using organic methods in search of sustainability. 

It is one of our goals to facilitate the contact and experience between volunteers (WWOOFers), and hosts (usually rural inhabitants who practice or promote organic and sustainable methods). Relationship between them is always FREE and VOLUNTARY, without any tangible or economic compensation. WWOOF ESPAÑA is an organization to facilitate communication between wwoofers and hosts, helping to co-ordinate the needs of both groups. This is done within the framework of a volunteer relationship abided by the laws of volunteering in Spain.


WWOOF Spain is part of the Federation of WWOOF Organisations, a worldwide community that promotes awareness of ecological farming practices by providing visitors with the opportunity to live and learn on organic farms and small holdings.


WWOOF™ was founded in 1971 in the UK and is one of the world’s first voluntourism and ecotourism organizations. WWOOF now exists in 132 countries (and growing) around the world. WWOOF ESPAÑA™ was founded in 2007.

WWOOF Mission Statement

WorldWide Opportunities on Organic Farms, Spain (WWOOF™ Spain) is part of a worldwide movement linking visitors with organic farmers and growers to promote cultural and educational experiences based on trust and non-monetary exchange thereby helping to build a sustainable global community.  

Be a WWOOF Host

WWOOF Spain publishes a Host Listings that lists organic (certification not required) farms and gardens across the country.

Any organic farm, community or garden project in Spain that would like to host visitors can participate in the program.

Generally, WWOOFers spend half a day on projects and receive educational opportunities and room and board from their hosts.

Hosts determine their own criteria for accepting WWOOFers and describe their property, location, projects, and more in their Host profile.

WWOOFers look for a compatible host, and contact hosts to discuss arrangements, opportunities, and responsibilities before arrival.

Be a WWOOFer

Immerse yourself in local culture sharing in family, community, and tourist activities while receiving free meals and accommodation.

Gain practical knowledge in biological farming and sustainable living on farms, ranches, homesteads, family gardens, orchards, vineyards, urban gardens, co-operatives, and others - all sharing the WWOOF philosophy.

Please keep in mind that WWOOF is not paid work; hosts do not offer monetary compensation.

We do not make arrangements for you, instead you will make contact with the hosts yourself. Also, you are responsible for obtaining your Visa and paying for your own transportation & personal expenses.